The Un-Diplomatic Podcast

Counter-Imperial Statecraft, China Competition as White Privilege, QAnon, Neocons Return to the Democratic Party | Ep. 66

Episode Summary

The racist motivations woven into China rivalry. Why nobody talks about American colonies hiding in plain sight. How to manufacture a Cold War with China. Australia shows the way in counter-imperial statecraft. Are neocons returning to the Democratic Party? NeverTrumpers are not anti-fascist heroes. And how serious a problem is QAnon?

Episode Notes

The racist motivations woven into China rivalry.  Why nobody talks about American colonies hiding in plain sight.  How to manufacture a Cold War with China.  Australia shows the way in counter-imperial statecraft.  Are neocons returning to the Democratic Party?  NeverTrumpers are not anti-fascist heroes.  And how serious a problem is QAnon?  

Andrew Carr Tweet:

AOC Tweet:

Rory MedcalfTweet:

Rita Konaev Tweet:

Kaiser Kuo and William Yuen Yeo on racism and China policy:

Rachel Esplin Odell on Manufacturing China Threat:

Contributors: Jake Dellow, Gaby Magnuson, Pete McKenzie, Ciara Mitchell